摘要:ClinicalKey is, as the name implies, aproduct aimed at clinicians, specifi-cally physicians. Elsevier has config-urations aimed at individual clini-cians and a comprehensive productaimed at institutions. All productsare centered around the ''core re-sources,'' which include the 24thedition of Cecil Medicine, First Con-sult, numerous patient educationmaterials including those from theAmerican Academy of Family Phy-sicians, a drug resource (Gold Stan-dard), guideline summaries, clinicaltrials (both completed and activefrom ClinicalTrials.gov), and MED-LINE. At the time of this review(May 2013), the product has 542journals, 1,104 books, 4,349 guide-lines, 2,939 drug monographs, 9,122patient education handouts, 18,209videos, and 4,003,172 images