摘要:Objectives: This study analyzes and describes theliterature of addictions treatment and indexingcoverage for core journals in the field.Methods: Citations from three source journals for theyears 2008 through 2010 were analyzed using the 2010Mapping the Literature of Nursing and Allied HealthProfessions Project Protocol. The distribution of citedjournals was analyzed by applying Bradford's Law ofScattering.Results: More than 40,000 citations were analyzed.Journals (2,655 unique titles) were the most frequentlycited form of literature, with 10 journals providingone-third of the cited journal references. Drug andAlcohol Dependence was the most frequently citedjournal. The frequency of cited addictions journals,formats cited, age of citations, and indexing coverageis identified.Conclusions: Addictions treatment literature iswidely dispersed among multidisciplinarypublications with relatively few publicationsproviding most of the citations. Results of this studywill help researchers, students, clinicians, andlibrarians identify the most important journals andbibliographic indexes in this field, as well aspublishing opportunities