摘要:While Latino gay men have been the focus of HIV prevention efforts for decades, there remains a dearth of Latino gay male-specific HIV interventions. As part of a formative assessment to adapt an HIV prevention intervention, this study explored the process in which urban immigrant Latino gay men negotiate their ethnic, sexual and social identity. The assessment consisted of four focus groups of 28 adult immigrant Latino gay men in New York City. Two major themes emerged: 1) the need for identity formation and integration (including sexuality and ethnic identity); and 2) the need for venues for expression and defining community (including places that accepted the participants as Latino and gay). Based on the emerging themes, we recommend HIV prevention services for Latino gay men be comprehensive and holistic, fostering identity development and integration, as well as skill development. Intervention adaptations need to enhance linguistic translation with deeper knowledge and inclusion of key cultural and community values. In addition, the data indicated few spaces in New York City where Latino gay men felt comfortable articulating a whole self
关键词:culture; Latino gay men; identity integration; intervention adaptation; sexual health