摘要:The Code of Ethics for the Health Education Profession is clear about the importance of health education specialists being involved in professional organizations. Section 1 of Article II, "Responsibility to the Profession," of the Code states "Health educators maintain, improve, and expand their professional competence through continued study and education; membership, participation, and leadership in professional organizations; and involvement in issues related to the health of the public" (CNHEO, 1999, .8). Though the Code provides a rationale for involvement in professional associations, it does not provide any guidelines about how many or which professional organizations to join, nor should it. Those decisions are based on individual preferences. Logically, it stands to reason that the greater number of organizations one belongs to the greater amount of time, energy, and resources that will be expended on membership. Are we, as a profession, making it too difficult for health education specialists to be good professionals by having so many different professional organizations. Or do we have so many professional organizations that some organizations have less meaning or insignificant missions