期刊名称:International Journal of Management and Business Studies
出版社:Cosmic Journals
摘要:Investment in mutual funds is effected by th e attitud e of the investors. The objectives of the study are to identify the investor's attitud e on mutual fun ds and to analyze the factors affecting investor's attitude towards mutual fund. The study aims at finding out the attitude of the small investors towards investment in mutual funds in Chikkamagalore. By adopting random sampling for 150 respondents, Simple statistical tools are used for analyzing the data whatsoever collected in this study. The present investigation outlined that the investors have positive approach towards investing in mutual funds. The investors opt Mutual fund for safety and investors collect the information from expert advisors then only invest the money. Mainly investors select the income, growth and equity fund for for their investment in Mutual fund
关键词:In vesto r At ti tu de; Mu tu al Fun d; Demog raph ic Fact ors; ;Chikkamagalore District; Karnataka