摘要:The concentrations of essential elements in the milk of Croatian Coldblood mares and Littoral- Dinaric donkey were measured. The mean element contents in horse milk were (mg/kg): Ca 687.1, Mg 72.1, K 637.7, Na 143.5, Cu 0.126, Fe 0.235, Se 0.01, Zn 2.06, Mn<0.01. In donkey milk, the mean element contents were (mg/kg): Ca 815.4, Mg 80.8, K 887.7, Na 217.6, Cu 0.027, Fe 0.196, Zn 2.36, Mn 0.016. In horse milk, moderate correlations were found between the elements: Ca-K, Mg-Se, Mg-K, Mg-Cu, Se-Cu, Se-Fe, Mn-K. Strong correlations were found among elements in donkey milk: Ca-Na, Ca-K, Ca-Cu, K-Na, K-Cu, Cu-Mn. Significant differences between Na, K and Cu concentrations were obtained between the two species. Other elements concentrations were similar in both species.