期刊名称:International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
摘要:Initially G erma ny a dopted a n approa ch k nown a s A usla nde rpada gogik (' for eigne r pe da gogy') toca ter for the educa tional needs of non-G erman immigr ant children. This later changed to inte rcultura l pedagogyin the 1980s tha t a imed to prepare all children to a da pt to a culturally diverse society. T he study aimed to examinethe extent to which the pra ctices and a pproa ches adopted by the most multi-ethnic school in Bremen ( Germa ny)represented a piece-meal or a w hole school a pproa ch to multicultur al educa tion. The qu alita tive ca se study w ascondu cted a t the Bre cht Sc hu le in Bre men compr ising le ar ners from over 32 cou ntr ie s. T he da ta collec tionstrategies included observation of lessons and the school envir onment, in depth interviews with the principa l a nd10 tea chers and the administra tion of open ended que stionna ires a mong 200 le arners. T he findings re vea led thata lthough the school needed to inclu de more tea chers from other ethnic ba ckgrounds a nd tha t the tea che rs weresceptic al about aspects of the cur ricular a nd their ability to assist lear ners with psychologica l a nd emotiona lchallenges, the school was a dopting major fea tures of the whole school a pproa ch in its quest to make provision fora diverse learner popu lation
关键词:Multic ultural E du cation.;D iversity.;Integration. Ger ma ny