期刊名称:International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
摘要:This study aimed to develop a valid and reliable instrument to be used for measuring high school students'attitudes toward environment and its applications. Data gathered from 350 high school students provided evidence for thevalidity and reliability of the new instrument which consists of 35 attitude items on a four point Likert type scale. Results of thefactor analysis with varimax rotation showed that, items constituting Environmental Attitude Scale (EAS) grouped under foursubscales: (1) Environmental awareness; (2) Attitudes towards recovery; (3) Attitudes towards recycling; (4) Environmentalconsciousness and behavior. Each environmental attitude item had a factor loading of at least 0.40 with its own scale. The alphareliability coefficient for the subscales ranged from 0.70 to 0.84. According to these findings, the EAS is a valid and reliableinstrument that can be used in the field of environmental and science education