出版社:National Centre for Maps and Cartographic Heritage
摘要:The collaboration between University IUAV of Venice and The State Ar-chive of Venice made pos-sible the beginning of a project for the creation of an information system for the Historical Cadastre of Venice. The pur-pose of this project is to build a knowledge system of phenomena and process of historical transformation of the city that, since the early years of the nineteenth century, set up the current state. The Napoleonic, Austrian and Austro-Italian cadastres are the documentation which the study is based on. The documents that record the characteristics and ownership of assets - som-marioni, extracts and cadastral address books, and maps - are so analyzed and converted into digital format. In addition to restitution in raster format, we are also providing for the vectorialization of each cadas-tral particle for use in the system, especially for the maps. The problem of correspon-dence between the spatial references of historical documents and current geographical spaces, with the aim of defining not so only a strict cartographic georeferencing but a criterion for localization, in order to read the qualitative similarities and correspondences in evolution of the urban context. For access to maps and alphanumeric information is developed Webgis a project based on standards de-fined dall'OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium).
关键词:Historical cadastre; Venice; cartographic heritage; digital access