Background: Orthodontic treatment needs are increasing day by day as a consequence of changing life style pattern and increased demand for a better personality. As orthodontic treatment is more effective if diagnosed and performed in early stages of life, hence current study attempted to assess orthodontic treatment need amongst school going children. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional community based study was conducted in the Doiwala block of Dehradun, Uttarakhand. 587 school going children were randomly selected for the study. Orthodontic treatment need was assessed by using two indices: Aesthetic component (AC), Dental Health Component (DHC) of Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) through dental casts. Results: Study results show immediate need for orthodontic treatment in 12% cases of children. An increasing pattern of need was observed in increasing age of children. The most prevalent severe occlusal feature was increased overjet (51%). Conclusion: The need for orthodontic treatment among children of Doiwala region is comparable to other populations. In this region, there is high prevalence of severe occlusal features in older age groups.