期刊名称:Universitatea de Stinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinaria a Banatului Timisoara. Lucrari Stiintifice. Seria I. Management Agricol
出版社:Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara a Banatului Timisoara
摘要:In the context of an internal and external competitive and powerful environment, the main purpose of our article is to reveal the strategies necessary to maintain and improve the competitive position of EU tourism industry. To do this we start from identifying "targets" of the industry. The most important of them is strengthening the tourism industry to become an industry with a dynamic and sustainable growth, which aims to provide its customers high quality travel experiences at a balanced ratio price - quality. These objectives, which we present below, expressed the direction which should move the European tourism industry to become more competitive relative to other regions