标题:Évaluation des effets d’entraînements avec tablette tactile destinés à favoriser l’écriture de lettres cursives chez des enfants de Cours Préparatoire
摘要:Handwriting is a complex activity involving perceptuo-motor, cognitive andlinguisticskills, and requires several years of formal training for a correct mastering. In this context, we evaluatedtwo different trainings – using a touchpad or on paper – aiming at improving cursive letters handwritingin 1st-grade children presenting a delay in handwriting acquisition. The training using a tactile interfaceincluded demo videos showing the correct sense of production of cursive letters. A comparative analysisof the kinematic characteristics of handwriting before and after training showed a significantimprovement of handwritten performances, in particular at the level of writing fluency, in children trainedon the touchpad compared to children trained on paper or to non-trained children. These results arediscussed in regards to the specificity of contributions of tactile devices