摘要:Lower Miocene carbonate sediments, known as “Calcari a Briozoi e Lithothamni” (Bryozoans and Lithothamnium Limestones - BLL), outcrop in Southern Apennines (Selli, 1957; Barbera et al., 1978). In the eastern Matese Mountains BLL overlay Mesozoic shallow water sediments with a paraconformity and grade upward into Serravallian limestones (“Orbulina marls”) through a phosphatic level. The BLL formation does not show stratification and generally consists of thick massive banks with calcarenitic or ruditic texture. Fossil assemblage is mainly constituted by red algae (Rhodophyta, Corallinales) and bryozoans, and secondarily by bivalves (ostreids and pectinids), benthic foraminifera, balanids, serpulids, and echinoids. Planktonic foraminifera are rare and increase in abundance near the boundary with the overlying “Orbulina Marls”. These BLL deposits can be ascribed to the rhodalgal lithofacies of Carannante et al. (1988)