摘要:Phase resetting curves (PRCs) are phenomenological and quantitative tools that tabulate the transient changes in the firing period of endogenous neural oscillators as a result of external stimuli, for example, presynaptic inputs. A brief current perturbation can produce either a delay (positive phase resetting) or an advance (negative phase resetting) of the subsequent spike, depending on the timing of the stimulus. We showed that any planar neural oscillator has two remarkable points, which we called neutral points, where brief current perturbations produce no phase resetting and where the PRC flips its sign. Since there are only two neutral points, all PRCs of planar neural oscillators are bimodal. The degree of bimodality of a PRC, that is, the ratio between the amplitudes of the delay and advance lobes of a PRC, can be smoothly adjusted when the bifurcation scenario leading to stable oscillatory behavior combines a saddle node of invariant circle (SNIC) and an Andronov-Hopf bifurcation (HB).