摘要:In December 1998, the First Year Task Force chose JonKrakauer's Into Thin Air as a common reading for all incoming first-year students. First-year orientation sessions (held in June and Au-gust) included a discussion of the first chapter of the book. IACinstructors were asked to include discussion of the book in theirclasses, and a number of instructors included writing assignmentsconcerning the book in their IAC curricula. Towards the end of theFall semester 1999, IAC instructors were e-mailed and asked to shareany writing assignment(s) they had used with Into Thin Air. Whatfollows are three "spotlight" interviews with IAC instructors whichshow a variety of approaches that can be taken with a writing as-signment. These interviews provide successful models for thosewho wish to include writing assignments in the future, not only inIAC, but also in other courses, and when viewed together they bringto light common methods that are often the foundation of successfulwriting assignments