摘要:In order to meet the needs of students with learningdisabilities, I have made some changes in the way I teachwriting to composition students. I used to teachwriting as a process stressing drafts and revisions, butI now teach writing as a process stressing prewritingactivities and a more step-by-step approach includingdrafts and revisions. The new model centers aroundindividualized education, helps each student concen-trate on areas of need, and encourages all studentstowards their own limits. For example, the studentwith a learning disability who needs more help withbrainstorming activities in order to begin writing canconcentrate more on brainstorming activities. Inanother example, the student with a learning disabil-ity who needs more help with seeing connections canconcentrate more on the outlining steps. These changeswere first made in order to assist the student with alearning disability, but what I have learned recently isthat what works best for a student with a learningdisability also works well for the majority of otherstudents. Most students benefit from writing as a pro-cess including the prewriting activities and other vari-ous steps