摘要:This study aimed to clarify the role of partnership public and private sectors in achieving excellence catalog fortelecommunications services Jordanian through the efficiency& quality and Developed existing services andintroduce new services to existing customers and prospective down to their satisfaction. That this partnershipcame after the enactment of privatization in Jordan in 1999, to care for owners interest of customers andsuppliers, employees and owners of Wallace And suppliers, shareholders and society as a whole, has been acommunity study is Jordan Telecom and the study sample is systematic random sample included (40) customersfrom the permanent and the type of study is a case of either study tool was questionnaire. Has circuit problem ofthe study on that there is a lack in the role of partnership public and private sectors to achieve excellence catalogfor telecommunications services, despite the availability and resources and the potential.And the importance of this study focus on this point which is: Partnerships between private and public sectorsmakes providing services processes more efficient. The redistribution of roles between the public sector and theprivate sector and the gradual withdrawal of the state from certain economic activities and make way for privateinitiatives by encouraging private investment. The study was built on two main hypotheses:-First major premise: there are no statistically significant relationship between the role of the partnership publicand private sectors and excellence and efficiency of marketing communications services and quality of Jordan.-Second major premise: there are no statistically significant relationship between the role of the partnershippublic and private sectors and provide vital communication services and in an excellent manner and customersatisfaction.The study found several findings and recommendations of the most important:1) The necessity of training for the employees to learn them that the citizen is the actual capital for the servicesector in any business.2) The organization has to update its services to be more fit with technological development.3) The competition in the service sector requires a new culture that makes employees sense the customerneeds.