This study aimed at identifying the effect of the organizational culture on the total quality management (TQM)in the Jordanian insurance companies. To achieve this objective, a questionnaire was constructed and distributedover the workers of these companies at their different managerial levels.
The study had shown many results. One of the most important results was that there was a statisticallysignificant effect of the organizational culture (meaningful values, support and promotion values, disciplinevalues and free style values) on total quality management in the Jordanian insurance companies. The studyfurther showed statistically significant differences at (?=0.05) significance level of the effect of theorganizational culture on TQM in the Jordanian insurance companies imputed to the difference of theoccupational variables (occupational level, years of experience).
The study recommended increasing the interest in improving the availability levels of the organizational culturedimensions in general; and place a particular focus on the relatively low level dimensions, and the necessity totake into account realizing coherence among these dimensions in terms of the closeness of the availability levels,and lessening the deviations among these dimensions as well as among the elements of the same one dimension,due to the integrative nature among them. The study further recommended assimilating the organizationalculture concept as an administrative concept by the managerial leaderships in the Jordanian insurance companies,being an important foundation, upon which the success or failure of applying the TQM depends.