摘要:As we enter the age of precision measurement in neutrino
physics, improved flux sources are required. These must have a
well defined flavor content with energies in ranges where
backgrounds are low and cross-section knowledge is
high. Very few sources of neutrinos can meet these requirements. However, pion/muon and isotope decay-at-rest sources qualify. The ideal
drivers for decay-at-rest sources are cyclotron accelerators, which are compact and
relatively inexpensive. This paper describes a scheme to produce decay-at-rest sources driven by such cyclotrons, developed within the
DAEALUS program. Examples of the value of the high
precision beams for pursuing Beyond Standard Model interactions are reviewed. New
results on a combined DAEALUS—Hyper-K search for
CP violation that achieve errors on the mixing matrix parameter
of 4° to 12° are presented.