期刊名称:Journal of Case Studies in Accreditation and Assessment
出版社:Academic and Business Research Inst
摘要:In 2008, the faculty of the College of Business at Kutztown University developed a set of five learning goals for its BSBA program. In fall, 2011, the college’s Assurance of Learning Committee began to pursue the assessment of the las t of these goals: “BSBA graduates will be conversant in current business issues, including et hics, social responsibility, and diversity...” A review of published literature revealed no reports of previous attempts to assess a similar goal. In fall 2011 and spring 2012 faculty developed an i nstrument to assess student knowledge of recent events by means of a 10-item quiz. The Coll ege of Business faculty conducted a pilot study, administering the quiz to a convenience samp le of students in 12 courses of all majors and all years of the program (n = 392). The present pa per discusses findings and makes suggestions for future assessment of goals like this, as well a s assessment practices in general.
关键词:assessment; assurance of learning; curren;t events; current business conditions;business issues