期刊名称:Just Labour : A Canadian Journal of Work and Society
出版社:York University
摘要:Fifteen years ago, the crisis facingorganized labour was the mostcommon theme in discussion of thelabour movements of European andNorth American industrializedcountries. There was, of course, amembership crisis and another crisisof overly bureaucratic structures.But there was also a crisis ofdirection within these extremelyinstitutionalized organizations,which had increasingly incestuousrelations with governments whilelosing touch with the forces ofopposition generated by broadercivil society. The questions of theday were "If it is obvious that therewill always be unions, can weassume that there will always be alabour movement." and "If thelabour movement has become apolitical actor to be reckoned with,has it lost its ability to 'create'significant social change