期刊名称:Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice
出版社:University of Wollongong
摘要:The University of Tasmania established a project in 2009 to investigate the particular needs of casual teachingstaff, identify strategies to improve access to information, and facilitate a consistent approach to employment,induction, development and recognition. The project was managed by the university learning and teachingcentre, and co-ordinated by a Reference Group. A preliminary survey in 2010 explored casual teaching staffinformation and resource needs and a mapping exercise was undertaken to establish institutional practices.The findings of the preliminary 2010 survey and mapping exercise prompted the development of aninstitution-wide Casual Teaching Staff Policy. The preliminary 2010 survey was subsequently updated and asecond survey administered in 2012 to obtain additional baseline data against which to evaluate the casualteaching staff project and implementation of the Casual Teaching Staff Policy. This paper presents the results ofthe 2012 survey designed with this dual focus in mind. The 2012 survey items were explicitly aligned to theSessional Staff Standards Framework arising from the Benchmarking Leadership and Advancement ofStandards for Sessional Teaching (BLASST) project. The 2012 survey results were mapped to the SessionalStaff Standards Framework guiding principles (Quality Learning and Teaching, Sessional Staff Support andSustainability), standards (Good Practice, Minimum Standard, Unsustainable), and criteria spanning differentinstitutional levels (Institutional Level, Faculty Level, Department Level, Individual Level). Together thequantitative and qualitative survey data results provide a rich depiction of the world of casual teaching staff atthe University of Tasmania. On the one hand the results evidence examples of well-supported, fully engagedcasual teaching staff; on the other hand, a distressing picture emerges for many such staff. The findings arepresented with discussion regarding the requisite ensuing steps in this ongoing initiative to improve theemployment, induction, development and recognition experiences of University of Tasmania casual teachingstaff.