期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:Large amount of data are now available in business, industry, science and many other areas, due to rapid advances in computerization and digitization such data may provide a rich resource in knowledge discovery and decision support. In order to understand, analyse and eventually make use of huge amount of data, a multidisciplinary approach, a data mining, the process of identifying interesting patterns from large databases is proposed to meet the challenge. This paper consists of two proposed schemes which describes about how to derive synchronous counter without using any hardware components. That is, the paper tells about the conversion of hardware to software implementation using data mining techniques. One proposed method is CBDMRT (counter based data mining rule Table) which indicate count of all the transitions from present to the next state .The other method is CBDMRA (counter based data mining rule Algorithm) takes clock pulse, present state and next state as input from the transactional database and from these inputs, the transitions (patterns) of all the states has been found based upon its position and the time assigned to it from the transactional database. The performance analysis of both the waveforms has been generated and the proposed data mining rule algorithm proved to be more efficient and leads to minimal of time by eliminating hardware resources.
关键词:Data mining; minimum support threshold; multiple;scan; Systematic Algorithm; timing algorithm