期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:A Mobile Ad Hoc Network is constructed by a set of self-configured mobile nodes that are connected by wireless links without infrastructure. A MANET node can move freely within network communication range, and server as a router and host which can forward data packets to other hosts according to configured routing protocol. In MANETs, applications are mostly involved with sensitive and secret information. Since MANET assumes a trusted environment for routing, security is a major issue. In this paper we analyze the vulnerabilities of a pro-active routing protocol called OLSR (Optimized link state routing) against a specific type of denial-of-service (DOS) attack called node isolation attack. Analyzing the attack, we propose a mechanism called enhanced OLSR (EOLSR) protocol which is trust based technique to secure the OLSR nodes against the attack. Our technique is capable of finding whether a node is advertising correct topology information or not by verifying its Hello packets, thus detecting node isolation attacks.
关键词:MANET; Optimized link state routing (OLSR);Denial-of –service (DOS); Node isolation attack; Routing;attack.