期刊名称:Discussion Papers / Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration
摘要:This paper studies the di¤usion of biopharmaceuticals across European coun- tries, focusing on anti-TNF drugs, which are used to treat autoimmune diseases (e.g., rheumatism, psoriasis). We use detailed sales information on the three brands Remi- cade, Enbrel and Humira for nine European countries covering the period from the rst launch in 2000 until becoming blockbusters in 2009. Descriptive statistics reveal large variations across countries in per-capita consumption and price levels both overall and at brand level. We explore potential sources for the cross-country consumption di¤er- ences by estimating several multivariate regression models. Our results show that large parts of the cross-country variation are explained by time-invariant country-speci c factors (e.g., disease prevalence, demographics, health care system). We also nd that di¤erences in income (GDP per capita) and health spending (share of GDP) explain the cross-country variation in consumption, while relative price di¤erences seem to have limited impact