期刊名称:LAHOR: journal for Croatian as mother, second and foreign lanugage
出版社:Crotian Philological Society
摘要:This paper discusses individual teachings of Croatian as a foreign language, i.e. one to one teaching. Within literature, teaching one to one is by far the most neglected domain of foreign language teaching. The authors discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this model of teaching (especially within the system of formal education) together with experiences that this kind of teaching delivers. Theoretical considerations are supported with the authors' personal experiences and, in addition, a short questionnaire is answered by one student that was enrolled in this type of learning of Croatian as foreign language at a higher education level. Answers to this questionnaire show how theoretical considerations on individual teaching are applicable in reality. Furthermore, systematization of old and new insights on this topic are intended to serve as helpful starting point to colleagues that are, or going to be, in situations of one to one teaching.
关键词:Croatian as foreign language; foreign language teaching; individual teaching; one to one