出版社:Energiewirtschaftliches Institut an der Universität zu Köln
摘要:In this article we analyze the value of thermal energy storages in concentrating solar power plants depending on the electricity generation mix. To determine the value from a system integrated view we model the whole electricty generation market of the Iberian Peninsula. Key ndings for thermal energy storage units in concentrating solar power plants include an increasing value in electricity systems with higher shares of
uctuating renewable generation and a potentially signicant role in primarily renewable based electricity systems. Due to the relatively high investment costs concentrating solar power plants with or without thermal energy storages are not cost ecient in today's electricity markets. However, expected cost reductions due to learning curve eects and higher
uctuating renewable generation may lead to a comparative cost advantage of concentrating solar power plants with thermal energy storages compared to other renewable technologies.
关键词:Fluctuating renewables; value of storage; concentrated solar power; power plant optimization