摘要:Aim: To review the epidemiology ofinvasive meningococcal disease in NSW for theperiod 1991–2011, in particular since the intro-duction of the meningococcal C vaccinationprogram in 2003. Methods: We undertook adescriptive analysis of NSW notifications ofinvasive meningococcal disease for the period2003–2011, and explored long-term changes inthe epidemiology of invasive meningococcal dis-ease over the period 1991–2011. Results: In theperiod 2003–2011, there were 1009 notificationsof invasive meningococcal disease in NSW, anaverage annual rate of 1.6 per 100 000 population.Notification rates were highest in the 0–4 and15–19-year age groups (8.5 and 3.6 per 100 000population respectively). In the period 1991–2011,invasive meningococcal disease notificationsincreased between 1991 and 2000, peaking at 3.8notifications per 100 000 population in 2000.Notifications have decreased since that time to1.0 per 100 000population in 2011, mostmarkedlyfor serogroup C disease since the introduction ofthe meningococcal C vaccination program in2003. Meningococcal C notifications reducedfrom 54 in 2002 (0.8 per 100000 population) totwo in 2011(0.03 per 100 000 population). Menin-gococcal C deaths have also decreased, from ninein 2002 to zero in 2011. The greatest reduction inmeningococcal C notifications has been in thoseaged 1–19 years, the target group for thevaccination program. Meningococcal B notifica-tions have also decreased over the study period,however serogroup B remains the predominantserogroup for invasive meningococcal disease inNSW. Conclusion: Notification rates of invasivemeningococcal disease have decreased in NSWsince 2000. Rates of serogroup C disease havedecreased since the introduction of the meningo-coccal C vaccination program in 2003. Most of theburden of invasive meningococcal disease in NSWis now due to serogroup B disease