摘要:Aim: To assess reporting characteris-tics of commonly dichotomised pregnancy out-comes (e.g. preterm/term birth); and toinvestigate whether behaviours (e.g. smoking),medical conditions (e.g. diabetes) or interven-tions (e.g. induction) were reported differentlyby pregnancy outcomes. Methods: Furtheranalysis of a previous validation study wasundertaken, in which 1680 perinatal recordswere compared with data extracted from medicalrecords. Continuous and polytomous variableswere dichotomised, and risk factor reportingwas assessed within the dichotomised outcomegroups. Agreement, kappa, sensitivity and posi-tive predictive value calculations were under-taken. Results: Gestational age, birthweight,Apgar scores, perineal trauma, regional anal-gesia and baby discharge status (live birth/stillbirth) were reported with high accuracy andreliability when dichotomised (kappa values0.95–1.00, sensitivities 94.7–100.0%). Althoughnot statistically significant, there were trends forhypertension, infant resuscitation and instru-mental birth to be more accurately reportedamong births with adverse outcomes. In contrast,smoking ascertainment tended to be pooreramong preterm births and when babies were,2500g. Conclusion: Dichotomising variablescollected as continuous or polytomous variablesin birth data results in accurate and well ascer-tained data items. There is no evidence of sys-tematic differential reporting of risk factors