摘要:Solar activity and climate changeThe history of solar activity can be re-constructed by measuring cosmogenic nuclides such as 14C in tree rings and 10Be in ice cores. Comparisons between recon-structed solar activity and climate during the past 10,000 years have revealed that their variations are synchronized at a wide range of time scales, from decades to mil-lennia. Given that the variability in solar ir-radiance is assumed to be small (~0.1%), it is necessary to consider other solar-related forcings to explain observed climatologi-cal phenomena such as the expansion of glaciers and changes in monsoonal activ-ity. One possible medium of solar forcing is galactic cosmic rays modulated by the solar magnetic field in the heliosphere. The decadal and longer cycles of solar activity lead to temporal variations in the attenuation level of cosmic rays. Cosmic rays influence atmospheric ionization and the production of cloud condensation nuclei (Kirk by et al. 2011), although the detailed mechanism of their influence on the amount of clouds in the troposphere is not fully understood. Solar UV and solar wind also influence the climate by pro-moting chemical reactions in the strato-sphere and mesosphere. The intensity of solar-related parameters follows the 11-year cycle of solar activity and is more or less synchronized among the various pa-rameters. This makes it difficult to distin-guish the climatic influence of cosmic rays versus other solar-related effects. Here we discuss the cosmic ray events around the 17thcentury that might help shed some light on the influence of cosmic rays on regional and global climate