摘要:Desp ite access to an array o f different contraceptive measures, o verpopulation persists in being a major public health concern. Vasectomy is a safe, simple, cost-effect ive o utpat ient technique for male sterilizatio n performed under local anesthesia. Irrespective of the mult iple benefits associated with vasectomy, acceptance rates among clients have been extremely po or in d ifferent settings. To counter this lack, the fo llowing have been advocated by program managers: 1) t he implementatio n of multiple measures, such as u sing mass med ia to undo the myt hs and misconceptions asso ciat ed with vasectomy; 2) the act ive involvement o f men in decision-making pertaining to matters of reproductive health and family p lanning; 3) the engagement of both spouses in assisting the couple to take an informed decision; 4) t he provisio n of manpower with adequate training regarding procedure and men's repro ductive health needs; 5) the invo lvement of different stakeholders; and 6) the integration of all repro ductive health and family planning services under o ne roo f. To conclude, vasectomy is the most dependable and cost-effect ive approach of contraceptio n fo r couples who have co mpleted their family.