标题:How to Maximize the Effectiveness of Prompt in Assistive Technologies according to the Particular Cognitive Profile of People with Alzheimer's Disease?
摘要:Assistive technologies represent a potential solution to allow people with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) to remain in their home for as long as possible. They involve the use of technological devices called prompts, which aim to provide adapted cognitive assistance when needed. However, a literature review of the field revealed a predominant use of verbal prompts with little knowledge of their real effectiveness. In order to help adapting assistive technologies to the particular cognitive profile of people with AD, this paper proposes comprehensive guidelines. First, we identify the main deficits of AD that influence the effectiveness of prompts. Second, we detail which prompting strategy to use accordingly. Third, we propose an experimental protocol based on a well-known test, and new prompting software, which allows for the validation of the proposed guidelines. Finally, we present the preliminary results of a first experiment conducted in our laboratory with participants ranging from mild to moderate AD. This paper is a revised and expanded version of a paper entitled Smart Homes for People with Alzheimer’s Disease: Adapting Prompting Strategies to the Patient’s Cognitive Profile presented at the 5th International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA 2012).