出版社:Výzkumný Ústav Lesního Hospodárství a Myslivosti
摘要:Some bark beetles of genus Ips occuring in Europeattack multiple tree hosts. This probably explains why some of the bark beetle diseases have also more hosts. For example Gregarina typographi was known from all of six analysed species and Chytridiopsis typographi from midgut epithelium of five species of the genus Ips. On the other hand there is only one known species-specific pathogen Larssoniella typographi described in Ips duplicatus. At present, around twenty species of pathogens were described in bark beetle subfamily Scolytinae, out of which ten are known in the spruce bark beetle Ips typographus. For most pathogens, only rare information is available about influence on beetles: on the vitality, fertility, flight ability, hibernation, etc. Moreover, most experiments are conducted under laboratory conditions. In this paper we summarize the knowledge of pathogens (viruses, protozoa, fungi) and parasitic nematodes and give a comprehensive overview of detected pathogens in different species of genus Ips.