出版社:Výzkumný Ústav Lesního Hospodárství a Myslivosti
摘要:Paper compares the status of soil physical characteristics in stands of forest tree species on forest soils as well as on afforested agricultural lands. Younger forest stands (age 24 – 55 years) of Norway spruce, giant fir, broadleaved tree species, Scots pine and especially of Douglas fir were studied. The soil sampling was performed using Kopecký΄s columns from the uppermost layer of the mineral soil under the surface humus horizons. It was analyzed: actual soil moisture, volume and bulk density, porosity, maximum water and minimum air capacity. Results confirmed favorable effects of the afforestation of agricultural lands on the soil physical characteristics as well as the unfavorable effects of harvesting, at least temporary. Douglas fir showed the slightest favorable effects among studied forest tree species, probably due to intense increment, nutrient uptake and fast litter decomposition, without more intense mixing of the organic and mineral soil compartment.