标题:Potomstva vybraných dílčích populací jedle bělokoré, modřínu opadavého a buku lesního ze Slovenské republiky na srovnávacích výzkumných plochách v ČR - možnosti dovozu reprodukčního materiálu (II. část - modřín opadavý, buk lesní).
出版社:Výzkumný Ústav Lesního Hospodárství a Myslivosti
摘要:Beside of Czech material, there are assessed progenies of main forest tree species from the Slovak Republic on some somparative plots in the Czech Republic. On the base of new evaluation of some research plots of Forestry and Game Management Research Institute with the European larch and European beech, there are presented results of partial populations originated from the Slovak Republic. Height growth, DBH and qualitative characteristics of these forest tree species were assessed. There are considered potentials for importing of reproductive material of Slovak origin and, consequently, there are formulated some recommendations for using of reproductive material of European larch and European beech from Slovakia in Czech forest management.