摘要:The Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT) con-vened a workshop on June 15¨C16, 2004, to review federalresearch on alternative methods for measuring poverty.The workshop had been requested by the U.S. Office ofManagement and Budget to evaluate progress in movingtoward a new measure of poverty, as had been recom-mended in 1995 by a CNSTAT panel on poverty mea-surement:Our major conclusion is that the current measureneeds to be revised: it no longer provides an accu-rate picture of the differences in the extent of eco-nomic poverty among population groups or geo-graphic areas of the country, nor an accurate pictureof trends over time. The current measure has re-mained virtually unchanged over the past 30 years.Yet during that time, there have been markedchanges in the nation's economy and society and inpublic policies that have affected families' eco-nomic well-being, which are not reflected in themeasure.1Since the publication of the panel's report, there has beenmuch research on elements of its recommendations by avariety of government agencies, think tanks, and universi-ties. The Census Bureau has also produced a large num-ber of alternative measures of poverty. However, themethods used to produce these alternatives have changedfrom year to year, so that there are no consistent timeseries of alternative poverty statistics