摘要:Apart from historical interest, what can a report on themalaria situation in Australia five years ago tell us. Firstly,the report highlights the potentially disastrousconsequences of delays in diagnosis of malaria andmisdiagnosis of malaria species, issues which are asimportant now as in 1993. Secondly, the report serves as a reminder to clinicians,travellers and travel agents that travel to malariouscountries carries with it the risk of exposure to infectionwith malaria. Clinicians need to be able to provide accurate and up to date travel health advice to intending travellers,or to refer them to someone who can (see Box). Travellersmay not be aware of the need to seek such advice andtravel agents can play an important role in educatingtravellers and ensuring that they seek advice severalweeks before the date of travel. A travel history shouldbecome a routine part of clinical practice and anyone whohas recently returned from a malarious country andpresents with symptoms suggestive of malaria should beimmediately tested for the infection, preferably through apathology service which has experience in malariadiagnosis