摘要:The Australian Mycobacterium Reference Laboratory Network collected and analysedlaboratory data on isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis reported during 1994 and 1995. Thetotal number of confirmed isolates was 708 in 1994 and 705 in 1995. This represents an annualincidence of approximately 4 cases of laboratory confirmed tuberculosis per 100,000 population.These figures are similar to those reported in previous years and confirms that the incidence oftuberculosis in Australia remains stable. The incidence rate varied between States. Overall themale:female ratio fell, and there were signs of a downward shift in the median age. We were unable to assess the impact of HIV infection on the number of isolates reported. Positive microscopy wasobtained in 55-60% of patients with pulmonary disease. Approximately 8% of isolates had in vitroresistance to at least one of the four standard anti-tuberculosis drugs. Over the two year periodseven strains were found to be multi-drug resistant. Overall, the data from 1994 - 1995 gives noindication of a significant change in the drug susceptibility profiles of isolates from Australianpatients with tuberculosis