摘要:To provide an overview of leptospirosis in Queensland, the World Health Organization/Foodand Agriculture Organization Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Leptospi-rosis undertook a study of notifications of the disease from 1985 to 1996. The reviewencompassed information drawn from notifications to Queensland Health and questionnairessent to doctors. Notifications were highest between February and J uly and the highest popula-tion rates were identified in the Central West and Peninsula Health Regions. Ninety-one percent of notifications were for males. At risk population groups included meat workers, thoseworking with farm animals and banana workers. The study found the incidence of leptospirosiswas higher in 1996 than in previous years. Improved diagnosis and surv eillance will aid ourunderstanding of the preventable risk factors for leptospirosis, especially in geographic areasnot considered at high risk and in groups not in occupations traditionally linked to the disease