期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
出版社:S.S. Mishra
摘要:Mobile applications are used for retrieve and to manage the data from remote servers is an important service today. For this reason the developers are required to develop applications continuously that will perform this task. An automated mobile applications query generator called MashQL is presented. The MashQL is used to ease the developers' work . This will generate mobile query processing which is used for accessing a remote database. It will provide a user friendly interface for both, the client and the server sides and it generates the Java ME applications at client side. Remote databases are been managed by using JSP and My SQL. Hence once the information has been retrieved, the data will be converted into an appropriate format for storing it persistently on the mobile device by using the Record Ma nagement System. Here the display area and the resource restrictions of small devices like cell phones, currently, most of the reports specify that the database query systems developed for these devices that can be posed by users are only offering very small set of pre-determined queries.
关键词:Query formulation; RDF; MashQL; Android and J2ME