期刊名称:The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication
出版社:New Prairie Press
摘要:We propose in this paper to use Ludics as a unifiedframework for the analysis of dialogue and the reasoning system.Not only is Ludics a logical theory, but it may also be built bymeans of concepts of game theory. We first present the main con-cepts of Ludics. A design is an abstraction and a generalization ofthe concept of proof. Interaction between designs is equivalentto cut elimination or modus ponens in logical theories. It appearsto be a natural means for representing dialogues and also for rea-soning. A design is a set of sequences of alternate actions, similarto a move in game theory. We apply Ludics to argumentativedialogues. We discuss how to model the speech acts of argumen-tative dialogues in terms of dialogue acts. A dialogue act is givenby a Ludics action together with the expression that reveals theaction in a turn of speech. We show also how arguments maybe stored in a commitment state used for reasoning. Finally werevisit an example of juridical dialogue that has been analyzed byPrakken in a different framework