期刊名称:The Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies
出版社:Roskilde Univ
摘要:This second issue of the Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies contains aseries of articles that each in their own way are central to the journal's focus. We are particularlyproud to present a number of articles which concern issues of great relevance to policymakersand practitioners.In the article "Sustainable Work ¨C Concepts and Elements of Practice" Helge Hvid andHenrik Lambrecht Lund argues that working life is of crucial importance for sustainabledevelopment and, on the basis of an analysis of the current discussions of sustainability inindustry demonstrates that discussion of the theme is lacking both in the literature andpolicy. To rectify this, they develop a concept of sustainable working life, and advancepolicy prescriptions for trade unions suggesting how to integrate the concept of sustainableworking life into their policies. We hope and believe this article will spark off a very muchneeded discussion among academics and policymakers in the trade unions concerning thenotion of sustainable work.