期刊名称:The Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies
出版社:Roskilde Univ
摘要:Environmental behaviour change is one of the keys to address global warming. This paper presents ten Danish case studies which attempt to promote environmentally friendly behaviour. They were implemented in four different municipalities and studied within the Citizen Driven Environmental Action (CIDEA) research project. The paper discusses how these cases target indi-viduals or groups, play on monetary or environmental incentives, balance private and collective environmental costs and benefits, adopt a top-down or bottom-up approach, and address daily or one-time behaviour. Given the complexity of environmental behaviour, it is argued that a larger combination of the different options can help promoting behaviour change, and that projects that rely on a larger combination of options are usually locally-anchored projects driven by a few enthusiasts
关键词:CO;2;emissions; behaviour change; house insulation; Denmark