摘要:The profound changes in the paradigm ofcontemporary society resulting from theacceleration of globalization and the ex-ponential increase of ICTs, lead us to re-.ect on the emergence of new participa-tory public spaces, fundamentally onlinespaces, that provide a new range of pos-sibilities for the consolidation of demo-cratic ideals, founded on popular sove-reignty, followed by the active participa-tion and political culture of its citizens.This article analysis two instruments ofpolitical participation used in Portugal:Online Petitions and Participatory Bud-get; through the use of quantitative analy-sis of Online Petitions and its consequen-ces in Parliament discussion and delibe-ration and survey (Participatory Budget)to collect citizens' attitudes, opinions andbehaviors. Framed by the concepts of di-gital citizenship and political participa-tion, to a better approach to the degreeof appreciation and use by the citizens.Taking to account the lake of interest inpolitics, and the weak participation of ci-tizens, it is essential to understand if newinstruments of institutionalized participa-tion are appreciated by the citizens andcontribute to the formation of an activecitizenship
关键词:digital citizenship; political participation; participatory budget; online;petitions