标题:What is Visual and What is Evident About Racial Definitions in Media Representations? Journalism rhetoric, crimes reports and racial profiling practices.
摘要:MUCHhas been said recently about Scotland Yard's "shoot-to-kill" policy,but very little attention has been given to the fact that such a policyrelies fundamentally on someone's ability to assess another person's racial orethnic profile.In this paper, I will exam two cases in which Brazilians were mistakenlykilled by police forces. The first case took place on the 22ndof July, 2005 inthe city of London, England, and involved a police attack against a suspectedsuicide bomber in the city metro, which lead to the death of Jean Charles deMenezes. The second case took place on the 3rd of February, 2004 in the cityof S.o Paulo, Brazil, and reveals unofficial racist procedures currently beingemployed by Brazilian police. Such procedures resulted in the death of FlavioFerreira Sant'Ana