摘要:Both in academic literature and political practice, resilience is becoming a central evaluative concept for assessingclimate adaptation policies. This makes sense because society's main challenge in an altering the environment is to adapt to theinevitable changes. However, applying the concept of resilience to devise adaptation strategies reveals that social-ecologicalresilience acquires different meanings depending on the social context. There is no straightforward application of resilience. Inthis contribution, it will be argued that giving meaning to the concept of resilience in adaptation strategies requires makingnormative choices. These choices concern whether there is a public interest in adaptation, the distribution of private and publicresponsibilities, and striking a balance between individual rights and general interests. Because these normative choices can bequestioned and revised, it is important that they are made explicit to enable a democratic debate on the direction that adaptationstrategies should take. Simply referring to the concept of resilience in an adaptation strategy does not suffice, but occludes thisdiscussion. Through formulating and applying a condensed scheme of politico-theoretical approaches that underpin divergingadaptation approaches, this contribution reveals the various underlying normative assumptions and explicates the relevantpolitical choices. Three Dutch adaptation strategies serve as empirical examples. They illustrate the importance of the societalcontext in giving meaning to resilience in the development of adaptation strategies
关键词:adaptation strategies; the Netherlands; normative choices; political theory; public interest