摘要:Alpine regions in Europe, in particular, face demanding local challenges, e.g., the decline in the agriculture andtimber industries, and are also prone to global changes, such as in climate, with potentially severe impacts on tourism. We focuson the Visp region in the Upper Valais, Switzerland, and ask how the process of stakeholder involvement in research practicecan contribute to a better understanding of the specific challenges and future development of mountainous regions under globalchange. Based on a coupled human-environment system (HES) perspective, we carried out a formative scenario analysis todevelop a set of scenarios for the future directions of the Visp region. In addition, we linked these regional scenarios to contextscenarios developed at the global and Swiss levels via an external consistency analysis. This method allows the coupling of boththe scenario building process and the scenarios as such. We used a functional-dynamic approach to theory-practice cooperation,i.e., the involvement of key stakeholders from, for example, tourism, forestry, and administration, differed in type and intensityduring the steps of the research process. In our study, we experienced strong problem awareness among the stakeholdersconcerning the impacts of global change and local challenges. The guiding research question was commonly defined and problemownership was more or less balanced. We arrived at six multiscale scenarios that open up future trajectories for the Visp region,and present generic strategies to cope with global and local challenges. The results show that local identity, spatial planning,community budget, and demographic development are important steering elements in the region's future development. Wesuggest that method-guided transdisciplinary processes result in a richer picture and a more systemic understanding, whichenable a discussion of critical and surprising issues