摘要:The debate about the possibilities to engineer the Earth's climate has changed drastically in the last years.Suggestions of large-scale technological interventions to combat climate change that a decade ago would have been discardedas science fiction are slowly moving into the center of international climate change discussions, research, and politics. In thisarticle, I elaborate three joint key challenges to geo-engineering research from a resilience perspective, with a special emphasison governance issues. First, I discuss the need to understand geo-engineering proposals from a "planetary boundaries" perspective.Second, I elaborate why the notion of Earth stewardship and geo-engineering are not necessarily in conflict, but instead couldbe viewed as complementary approaches. Last, I discuss the critical need to explore an institutional setting that is strong enoughto weed out geo-engineering proposals that carry considerable ecological risk, but still allow for novelty, fail-safeexperimentation, and continuous learning. These issues are critical for our understanding of how to effectively govern globalenvironmental risks, complex systems, and emerging technologies in the Anthropocene
关键词:Earth stewardship; geo-engineering; global environmental governance; innovation; planetary boundaries; resilience;thinking