摘要:Interest in landraces conservation has grown in the last decades with research on the topic focusing on in situconservation of agrobiodiversity in the tropics. Researchers agree that home gardens play a key role in the maintenance of insitu agrobiodiversity, but few studies have analyzed how farmers actually maintain agrobiodiversity in home gardens and whatmechanisms they use to avoid genetic erosion. We evaluate the functioning of a network of seed exchange and explore itscontribution to agrobiodiversity conservation. We focus on the exchange of seeds and seedlings among 55 home garden keeperswho grow a total of 62 home gardens in Vall Fosca (Catalan Pyrenees). Fieldwork included visits to gardens and surveys toregister the frequency and management of local landraces. We also asked about the farmers' network of seed exchange. Weidentified 20 local landraces belonging to 17 species. People who were mentioned more often in the network of seed exchange(highest indegree) and who had a higher level of intermediation among other people in their personal network (highestegobetweenness) conserved more local landraces and had more local landrace knowledge than people who were less central inthe network. Our findings suggest that local landrace conservation is strongly associated with individual position in the networkof seed exchange
关键词:Catalonia; home gardens; in situ conservation; local landraces; social network analysis; Spain; traditional;ecological knowledge