标题:How Effective is the Buffer Zone? Linking Institutional Processes with Satellite Images from a Case Study in the Lore Lindu Forest Biosphere Reserve, Indonesia
摘要:Biosphere reserves seek to reconcile nature conservation with local development goals, for example by delineatingbuffer zones of sustainable resource use around core areas with primary conservation objectives. Here we evaluate buffer zoneeffectiveness in reducing deforestation within the Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Socio-economic andremote-sensing data were combined in an integrated approach. We applied a systematic qualitative social research design andcarried out in-depth interviews with local, sub-national, and national authorities. Data collected through the interviews wereused to interpret satellite images: (1) spatially, that is, forest cover change in the buffer zone versus the core area and, (2) overtime, that is, forest cover change as a response to changing management regimes and socio-economic processes in the region.For this purpose a time series of LANDSAT scenes from 1972 to 2007 was used to classify homogeneous areas of forest coverto detect deforestation. According to the satellite image analysis, the buffer zone in Lore Lindu was ineffective at reducing forestcover clearing in the core area between 1972 and 2007. Since management establishment in 1998, the deforestation rate withinthe core area even increased fourfold. The gathered data suggest that there are three main institutional drivers to account for thisineffectiveness: (1) Low awareness of boundary demarcation among the villagers due to the lack of participation duringmanagement and boundary establishment, (2) The fall of the national president Suharto in 1998, which subsequently triggereddeforestation activities in the core area, as the park was perceived to be the local branch of the national, suppressive regime,and (3) The lack of implementation of the biosphere reserve concept at the national level, which leads to unclear responsibilitiesin the buffer zone as the legal backing for any cooperation in the buffer zone is lacking. Although it appears that the forest statusin Lore Lindu is still good compared to other regions in Indonesia, attention must be given to the protection of the core area.We thus conclude that the biosphere reserve concept needs to be strengthened in Indonesia. Its implementation at the nationallevel, including adoption of clearly defined regulations, would substantially contribute to reducing negative impacts on biospherereserve management through, for example, carefully designed awareness raising programs